The Guemes Ferry Trail Update Winter 2023


First, a huge thank you to our long-time and newly-acquired trail supporters! It was great to see familiar faces and meet new supporters at the recent Guemes Island Art Initiative studio tour, sponsored by the Guemes Island Community Center Association (GICCA). It’s always encouraging to hear so much enthusiasm from supporters, both on- and off-island! We are thrilled that our list of supporters continues to grow. Your enthusiasm helps drive our passion and commitment; your financial support is critical to our continued progress!

As most of you know, the first segment of the trail was completed in July 2021. In case you missed it, here’s a link to the front-page story in the Skagit Valley Herald. This year has been focused on maintaining the completed section of the trail and partnering with the County to work through the myriad details of advancing northward to the church (the next section). Although we’ve secured legal access agreements with private property owners along this section, new challenges have been identified, including the existence of wetlands that will require additional time and funding to address. Alas, we persevere.

Good news…

  • We have a very motivated property owner along this next section who’s working with us to iron out the details of how the trail will cross his property – even offering to help clear the way! Thank you, Curt!
  • The wetlands along the trail route have been delineated and potential solutions are being explored.
  • A preliminary survey along this section has been conducted by County Public Works. Further surveying will determine right-of-way, slopes, and other pre-design parameters.
  • County Parks & Rec will provide funding for design and permitting; Parks will also handle the permitting process.
  • County Engineering will complete the required engineered drawings for the trail.

Although this next section presents new challenges, it’s all doable – with your continued support. GIFT falls under the Guemes Island Library’s 501 (c) 3 status. To make a tax- deductible donation, checks can be made payable to the Guemes Island Library and mailed to the library at 7549 Guemes Island Road, Anacortes, WA 98221. Please add ‘Guemes Trail Project’ in the memo field to ensure proper disposition of funds.

To learn more, to express your interest in volunteering with trail construction/maintenance, click here. To donate online click here.

We also want to thank Skagit Land Trust and Jack Hartt, in particular. Jack has been extremely instrumental as a liaison with the Skagit County Parks and Public Works departments. Our thanks to these County organizations and to the Linnemann family, Curt Omey, and the Humble family for their support in providing trail access along their properties.

We will need a contractor who’s familiar with best management practices near wetlands to work on this next section of the trail. GIFT funds will be most essential once we get through permitting so that we can address the wetland issue and purchase materials in partnership with the County. The availability of donated GIFT funding will help with the County prioritization process.

With gratitude and continued unbounded enthusiasm,
Guemes Island Ferry Trail (GIFT) Committee