Internet Options 2024


Speed and availability vary all over the island. The maximum numbers listed above are from service providers while verified numbers have been tested at specific locations on the island. Startup costs vary, too. Cellular, Starlink and DSL all require modems to access their networks that with installation can range in cost from $30-$500. Services may also carry activation fees and require long term contracts.

Cable San Juan Cable continues to provide internet access over most of Guemes Island. Virtually no bandwidth cap. “Business Internet” option is available at 20mbps download and 3mbps up. 888.512.2141 or 360.758.7879

DSL  Ziply Fiber offers DSL over existing telephone lines and is now widely available around the island. They also bundle TV services through the DISH network that requires installation of a small dish and receiver.  •  866-699-4759

Satellite.  Satellite reception is not available everywhere and requires a clear view above the southern horizon. High relative latency times are a limitation of satellite-based internet access. This is the time required for your browser request to travel up to the satellite and down to the server. By way of comparison, most systems listed here ping a server in less than 100 milliseconds. The satellite system takes on average 688 milliseconds. While download speeds are fast enough to stream video, the latency can make the service seem sluggish when browsing or playing games. Bandwith caps at $39/10GB/month and $119/40GB.

Cellular  Cellular data service varies by carrier and location. Internet access can be excellent in some areas and non-existent in others. Carriers allow a grace period in which a purchased cellular modem can be returned and service cancelled. Services all have relatively low bandwidth caps which make video or voice over the internet prohibitive.

AT&T WirelessVerizon WirelessSprint Wireless

StarLink Using advanced satellites in a low orbit, Starlink enables video calls, online gaming, streaming, and other high data rate activities that historically have not been possible with satellite internet. Users can expect to see download speeds between 100 Mb/s and 200 Mb/s and latency as low as 20ms in most locations. Starlink needs a clear view of the sky overhead so it can stay connected with satellites as they move. Objects that obstruct the connection between your Starlink and the satellite, such as a tree branch, pole, or roof, will cause service interruptions. Use the Starlink App (iOS, Android) to check for obstructions and find the install location that will deliver the best service.

Please add your comments (below) and let us know what system works well in your location. Click here to test the download speed of your current connection.

Television programming is available now in several ways: Frontier’s DISH, DirecTV  or other satellite network, internet streamed programming using devices from Apple, Amazon or Roku or streamed through internet services like, or

The WIrecutter’s Review of Streaming Services

Comparison of Primary Satellite TV Services

A bandwidth cap limits the transfer of a specified amount of data over a period of time.This is an important consideration, if you want to share many large files, stream video and music, or maintain remote backups.

Speeds are measured in megabits per second (mbps). How fast is fast enough for you?

1 mbps – Basic E-Mail, Web Browsing
2-3 mbps – Streaming Music, Standard Definition Video, VOIP
3-5 mbps – Large File Sharing, Remote Backups, IPTV (Internet Television)
5+ mbps – Online Gaming, Video on Demand (i.e. Netflix)

Broadband services are asymmetric, that is download (to you) speeds are much greater than upload (from you) speeds.