Donations Wanted For Gwost Fundraiser
Donations are being sought for a “Spring Fundraiser” to defray some of the uninsured medical expenses for Mike Gwost’s neck surgery in October. The Fundraiser is set for Saturday, April 13th at 5 pm, at the Guemes Island General Store. There will be a silent auction, live auction, and raffle. If you’d care to donate a cool auction item, contact Karen Everett at“, or text at 360.202.7373. Visit Event Web Site

Pulled pork donated by Fletcher of Dad’s Diner will be the delicious base for Mickey McEachern to create her version of pulled pork sandwiches on brioche buns with her cole slaw. A vegetarian dish will also be offered. The Store will also have Bonita Smith’s fluffy lemon cheesecake & Anne McCracken’s carrot cake. All food proceeds will go to the fund. The Store will not be serving its normal menu, but a no-host bar will be provided. The Savage Blues Band is playing.
Donations so far:
Turned Wood Platter and Bowl
Mariner mugs
Paul Luvera sculptures
Unworn and beautiful Cowichan sweater
Keg of Rainier beer
Two hours of house cleaning
Leo Osborne Painting
Five) yards of alder chips or two) hours of machine work
$200 gift cert from Slow Loris
A large hanging basket
Bottle of Cayuse wine
Hand crafted jewelry pieces
Hand-built benches (two of them)
Pelican Bay Books gift certificate, bookbag & books
$75 gift cert to Agua Verde on Portage Bay in Seattle
A “Banjo” ukelele, some prints and metal photography
Charcuterie board
A full dump run
Four-week summer bouquet delivery on Guemes or Anacortes (one a week)
Russian Samovar Tea Set
Teeny silver heart necklace
Brown Lantern Gift Certificate
Auction basket (spa stuff)
Old 1950s kid’s kitchen
Hand-made Guemes T-shirts & totes
Phil McCracken artwork
Troybuilt Trailer, tools
Series of Woodchoppers Balls posters
Beacon glass