UPDATE: April 7, Skagit Valley Herald reports:

“During a brief hearing Tuesday, Feld called Judge David Svaren “the whore of Satan.”

Feld has an extensive criminal history, including a prior arrest for attempted homicide in Pierce County in 1994, according to court documents. He has been arrested in Island County, Minnesota and West Virginia for assault, burglary, trespassing, harassment, stalking and illegal possesion of firearms and dangerous weapons, the warrant says.

Feld has recently made threats to local law enforcement and government agencies, saying government leaders’ “day of death has been appointed,” the warrant says.”

UPDATE: April 6, Skagit County Sheriff:

This afternoon the Skagit County Prosecutors Office charged Charles Feld in District Court with 4 criminal counts:
1)   attempted murder 1st
2)   assault 1st
3)   arson 1st
4)   unlawful possession of a firearm

Bail has been raised to 1.5 million.  He continues to remain in custody of the jail. By filing in District court it allows the Sheriff’s Office an additional 30 days to complete our investigation and then have charges sent to Superior Court.

Will Reichardt
Chief Criminal Deputy
Skagit County Sheriff’s Office

UPDATE: April 5, Skagit County Sheriff:

On 04-03-10 Guemes Island resident Charles Eugene Feld was arrested for attempted homicide, arson and unlawful possession of a firearm. This was in response to an incident that occurred on Friday evening, April 2nd and continued on over night.

As of right now the best information the Sheriff’s Office has is that the firearm that was used was a .38 caliber semi-automatic pistol.  The firearm has not been recovered. The Sheriff’s Office would like to recover this pistol if possible. If anyone knows its whereabouts please contact Det. Theresa Luvera at the SCSO, 336-9450.   Mr. Feld was last known to be in possession of the gun in the area of Edens Rd but it could be found virtually anywhere on the island. On land or in the water. 

Also the bail on Mr. Feld is currently set at $500,000.00  The Sheriff’s Office is working with the Prosecuting Attorney to determine what is the most appropriate charges to be filed in this case.

Will Reichardt
Chief Criminal Deputy
Skagit County Sheriff’s Office

This is an image of a Colt 38 semi-automatic to give you a general idea of the appearance. The make and material (blue steel, stainless) of the pistol are unknown.

Charlie Feld was apprehended and arrested early this morning at his home on Guemes Island, after eluding sherrif’s officers all night . He was considered armed and dangerous.  SWAT teams  and Sheriff’s deputies had been mobliized, and were on Guemes most of the night.  Guemes Island Ferry was on stand by all night as well. Skagit County Sheriff  Chief Tom Molitor phoned Diane Wyatt (Neighbor helping Neighbor) and reported the arrest Saturday morning.  Charges have not been filed, as yet. According to Diane Wyatt, Chief Tom Molitor reported the arrest and said “Charlie Feld will be off the island for a long time.” Rumors run rampant as to what set off the incident and several islanders were involved.

-MJ Andrak

UPDATE: The Skagit County Sheriff released this statement:

Skagit County Sheriff’s Office  
Case #  10-04123
Attempted Homicide / Arson

On 04-02-10 at approximately 6:25 pm Skagit County deputies responded to the 6300 hundred block of Guemes Island Rd. on Guemes Island.  This was in response to a report of gunshots being fired during a dispute. Guemes is an island located just north of Anacortes in Skagit County.  Guemes is accessible by ferry or private boat.

Deputies spoke to a 46 yoa Guemes Island resident who advised that he had gone to contact an acquaintance over a dispute over money he felt he was owed.   This man was accompanied by 3 other men. The 46 yoa man said that when he arrived at the suspects residence the suspect confronted them by splashing them with gasoline and threatening to light them on fire. The suspect then fired several rounds from a pistol.  The 46 yoa man said that as they retreated to their truck to leave the suspect pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger but the gun did not fire. The suspect then broke the pick-up window with the butt of the pistol as the vehicle was pulling away.

As deputies were searching the area for the suspect the witness / victims were treated by Guemes Island fire department volunteers for injuries from the gasoline mixture that had been dumped on them. During this time a report was made of a residential fire at the residence belonging to the 46 yoa victim. Guemes Island fire personnel responded and extinguished the blaze.

During the following early morning hours Skagit County deputies and members of the Skagit County High Risk Team (SWAT) continued to search the island for the suspect who had now been identified as 53 yoa Guemes Island resident, Charles Eugene Feld.

At approximately 6:00 am on 04-3-10 Feld contacted a sheriff’s deputy on the island and turned himself in. Feld has been arrested for investigation of attempted homicide and arson.  He has been booked in to the Skagit County jail.

Skagit County Sheriff’s Office detectives obtained and executed a search warrant at the Feld residence. Also the Skagit County Fire Marshall’s office is assisting with this investigation.

Further information will be released as appropriate.

Will Reichardt
Chief Criminal Deputy