Guemes Island Ferry Trail : Good News!

First, our sincere thanks to everyone who took time just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday to submit supporting comments for the proposed trail funding in the County’s draft “2022 – 2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).” While the STIP is still in draft format and trail funding is proposed only, we’re very excited that Skagit County has once again expressed their continued strong support of the Guemes Island Ferry Trail (GIFT) project. Your expressed support for this funding means so much to us and will help ensure that the STIP funding and, ultimately, the trail itself, each become a reality!

More Good News!

Brian Adams, Director of the Skagit County Parks & Recreation Department, and a long-time avid supporter and strong advocate of the trail project, has ear-marked $25,000 for the trail in the 2022 County Parks budget. This funding is approved and is targeted to cover County-required engineer-drawings and construction permits, primarily. While we are anxious to get these required and critical next-steps underway so that new ground can be broken soon, we also acknowledge the challenges the County faces in processing a backlog of requests created during the COVID crisis and must set our expectations, and those of our supporters, accordingly. We are grateful for your continued patience and ongoing support.

In the meantime, the GIFT Committee will continue fundraising so that when County drawings and permits are complete, we can begin work on the next phase of trail construction (from the store to the church). GIFT falls under the Guemes Island Library’s 501 (c) 3 status. To make a tax-deductible donation, checks can be made payable to the Guemes Island Library and mailed to the library at 7549 Guemes Island Road, Anacortes, WA 98221. Please add ‘Guemes Trail Project’ in the memo field.

To donate online click here


With gratitude and enthusiasm,

Guemes Island Ferry Trail (GIFT) Committee