After the Assault, Islanders Begin Recovery

From midnight of December 28th, 1990, to nine o’clock the next morning, hurricane-force winds caused unprecedented damage to about two-thirds of the island. Wind velocities exceeding 100 mph were recorded near here.

In some places all of the trees are down. Nonetheless, no one was injured. Property damage, considering the force of the storm and the number of residences near trees was relatively light.

One experienced logger has estimated as many as 1,800 logging-truck loads (more than 10,000 trees) may leave the island as part of the continuing clean-up. Some property owners plan to replant their forests, aided by the Department of Natural Resources.

What made the experience even more painful were the many days of subfreezing temperatures. With electric power to the entire island out for days, many house-
holds had their water pipes freeze and burst. Wind chill factors to -20° made working outdoors dangerous.

Individual homes, and the entire Seaway Hollow, were inaccessible for over a week, waiting for hundreds of downed trees to be cleared from driveways and roads.

Many animals and birds may have died in the storms. Confused deer were seen wandering the roads in dazed condition. The extraordinary wind created dramatic tidal action, which wiped out commercial oyster beds on Samish Island and below Chuckanut Drive, and probably affected the North Beach clam beds.

Sinclair Island’s forests appear to have been damaged even more severely than those of Guemes Island.

Members of the Environmental Trust conducted aerial and ground surveys of the damage to Guemes, producing the map above.

Winter 1990-1991